

Thursday, December 9, 2010

KAB - Intercultural Communication as a Social Phenomenon

Youngest son of two brothers is already accustomed to far from her family. Since childhood, lived with his parents and sister. SD for 6 years with their parents, although nearly as long as 6 years of our residence move. (1990-1998). Starting from the official residence provided by the government as temporary facilities for civil servants until selepan or warehouse where a rice mill owned by his brother's mother. Graduated from elementary school had sent a small amen to the City of learners, Yogyakarta to continue their education junior high schools in a renowned boarding school there. (2002-2005). But it only lasted for a month and moved to MTs in the City of Sragen. And amen small dipesantren stayed ever since. 2 years class 2 MTs amen stepping is no longer in school and stay longer with their parents aka the commute to her these MTs. Graduated from MTs, Amin continued his education to the city of Solo, Surakarta with exactly MAN I take a special program (PK). (2005-2008) was obliged to stay in the Dormitory. During the 3-year-Amin met friends who come from various areas, not only just Solo, Yogyakarta, Ngawi, Ponorogo, Surabaya, Purwokerto, Banyumas, even Lombok was also there. 1-3 times in a semester Amin returned home to meet my parents. Graduated from MAN PK Solo Amen migrated to Jakarta with 4 of his friends that one alumnus from the MAN. (2008).
Back to my home, my parents is in fact not a native of the District Jenawi. Both come from different areas but reunited in Jenawi. Father of the District Nogosari Boyolali district and mother of the District Mojogedang Karanganyar District. Both childhood have also been migrated. Dad comes from a simple family is the 5th child of 7 brothers and made it must look for life with hard work. My mother is the child to 5 with 5 siblings from the first father and 4 sisters from father to two. In essence they are of little contact with many forms of adaptation and assimilation of society with its culture and I became part of the community.

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