

Thursday, December 9, 2010

KAB - The nature of culture

The first time I was in kindergarten schools Pertiwi I Seloromo entered at the age of 3.5 years. I graduated kindergarten education but my age can not qualify for the elementary school. New at age 5 I studied at SDN 03 Seloromo. From the first class that the exam each quarter I can not be separated from 3 large to class 4, because during class I was always rated first 5-6. SDN 03 Seloromo is located not far from my house at that time that is in Dk Balloons, Ds Seloromo, Kec Jenawi, Karanganyar District.When I grade 5-6 elementary school every weekend (Saturday-week), I studied the Koran at the boarding school my older brother, the Pesantren Al-Hasanah. For two years I studied the Koran and have a strong doctrine of the religion, so when my elementary school lulu strong desire to enter boarding schools like my brother. Only lasted 1 month I was at the seminary Darul Quran in Sleman Yogyakarta ago I moved to MTs dideket home but I still live in boarding schools, not at home.The fluctuation period puberitas makes me not last long during the boarding school during the MTs. At the beginning of grade 3 my permission to go home and no longer lived at the seminary. During that trip I was a king of the ants, I still ranked first in the school. Until I was asked by teachers to go to MAN PK or MAPK.There turns out I was just a lion's tail. Schoolgirl and intellectual grandeur of the students not be overlooked, but I still lions, is no longer king of the ants. Over the past three years there I realized that I actually do not match, but parents who impose strong and the teachers who entrusted me as a superior student kept me forced to endure.Jakarta is my choice to fight to discover who I really, although there are other reasons as well. Right what I dreamed of before, Jakarta full container and the opportunity to find who I am. Campus UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta where I am now also offering tuition indirectly dreams are more interesting and even makes me dizzy. Now I felt I could find my dream was in Jakarta through the theater and film.

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